Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research announces the holding of the scientific meeting under the title: The problem of a representative sample and how to prepare a successful questionnaire in scientific research, “The efficiency of sample"

Course presenter:

Prof. Dr. Fouzi Abdulrazaq

(Bussiness College)

Date of Scientific Meeting: 

Thursday,  08/02/2024 (27/07/1445)

From 8:00 to 10:00 PM, Via Blackboard at the following link

Regis​tration link on the Training Platform - Activities of the Deanship of Scientific Research

Contents of the Scientific Meeting:

- The course contains how to choose a representative sample of society in scientific research and methods of arranging, organizing and categorizing it to reflect the importance of the results that can be circulated to society as a whole, then explaining how to prepare a questionnaire form and methods of distributing it in light of the technological development of social communication.​