A challenged network is one where traditional hypotheses such as reduced data transfer error rates, end-to-end connectivity, or
short transmissions have not gained much significance. A wide range of application scenarios are associated with such
networks. Delay tolerant networking (DTN) is an approach that pursues to report the problems which reduce
communication in disrupted networks. DTN works on store-carry and forward mechanism in such a way that a message
may be stored by a node for a comparatively large amount of time and carry it until a proper forwarding opportunity
appears. To store a message for long delays, a proper buffer management scheme is required to select a message for
dropping upon buffer overflow. Every time dropping messages lead towards the wastage of valuable resources which the
message has already consumed. The proposed solution is a size-based policy which determines an inception size for the
selection of message for deletion as buffer becomes overflow. The basic theme behind this scheme is that by determining
the exact buffer space requirement, one can easily select a message of an appropriate size to be discarded. By doing so, it
can overcome unnecessary message drop and ignores biasness just before selection of specific sized message. The proposed
scheme Spontaneous Size Drop (SS-Drop) implies a simple but intelligent mechanism to determine the inception size to
drop a message upon overflow of the buffer. After simulation in ONE (Opportunistic Network Environment) simulator, the
SS-Drop outperforms the opponent drop policies in terms of high delivery ratio by giving 66.3% delivery probability value
and minimizes the overhead ratio up to 41.25%. SS-Drop also showed a prominent reduction in dropping of messages and
buffer time average.