

We appreciate your interest and inquiries. Feel free to contact us.

Dr. Meshari Bin Merzouk Alesemi

Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dr. Ali bin Ahmed Al-Qazzaz

Advisor to the Vice Rector for Student Affairs

Dr. Munir Abdullah Abduh Qa'id

Advisor to the Vice Rector for Educational Affairs for Development and Quality

Dr. Abdelkader Salem Ben Hassine

Advisor to the Vice Rector for Educational Affairs

Dr. Osama Hamed Ezzat

Advisor to the Vice Rector for Educational Affairs for Academic Affairs

Mr. Bishi Dhuhaim Al-Amri

Director of the Office of the Vice Rector for Educational Affairs

Mr. Zaid Mohsen Saad Alshehri

Administrative Communications

Mr. Mubarak Nasser Mubarak Al-Shahrani

Follow-up Unit
