
1) Welcoming candidates for enrollment at the college and verifying their documents and sorting them according to the different departments.

2) announcing key dates of the semester. (e.g. admission dates, transfer dates and withdrawal dates)

3) Distributing ATM cards to the students.

4) Issuing students' ID cards for enrolled students and providing them to the students.

5) Issuing authentic documents and letters to government agencies on behave of the students.

6) Accepting students' inquiries and complaints.

7) Replying to correspondence from government agencies.

8) Aiding the activities committee in the college.

9) Providing students with an authentic graduation certificate and authentic copies of the certificate.

10) fulfilling extra tasks required by the dean


Student's Affairs office – Ground floor – Main building

Contact details:

Mr. Hassan Muhammad Abdullah Aljubairi

The head of the department of students' affairs in the College of Science and Arts at Al-Namas.

Tel: 0176238265

Phone: 0507737026

Email: haljobari@ub.edu.sa